1: Alphabet Books. I created these books and they are on my TPT. My students pick 3 to complete.
2: Emerging File Folders. Here I have a variety of file folder games that go over early learning skills such as the alphabet, numbers, colors, and matching. The majority of these games came from File Folder Fun and File Folder Farm.
3: Intermediate File Folders. Here are some harder file folder games. Included are adding, subtracting, money, sight words, and categorizing. These also came from File folder fun and file folder farm.
4: Bear Color Sort: I got the bears from an educational store and the bowls came from IKEA. The bowls just happened to be the exact colors I needed!

5: Bead Color Sort: I got an ice cube tray and beads from Walmart. I hot glued a bead to the bottom of each cube slot.
6: Office Supple Sort: I found the tray at the dollar store and I just used items that I already had in the classroom. I taped a picture with the word of each item to the tray.
7: Initial Sound Sort: These I got from NY2 and symbolstix. I am still working on creating some more cards.
8: Holiday/Monthly Activity: Here I will put an activity usually that I found on TPT that goes along with the season/month/ or holiday. Currently I have a fall themed even/odd sort activity that I found for free on TPT.

9: Match and Sort. I got this activity from a donors choose project. Students sort a variety of objects into cups or on a mat.
10: Adapted Books. The majority of these books came from the Autism Helper on TPT. I love these books and so do my kiddos!