What Worked: Student group setup
I currently only have 7 kiddo's in my class. We are actucally getting a new student next Tuesday. Last year I played around with how to group my students and I have found what works best for me, my assistants, and of course my students. I group my students based on academic level. This way I know they are all getting the material they need at their own pace and in a way that is differentiated for each of them. My A group has 2 students currently and they are working on a 1st-2nd grade reading level and are working on double digit addition and subtraction (one of my kiddo's in this group is even on multiplication!) My B group has 3 students who are reading pre-primer and primer sight words. My C group are students working on pre-academic skills and letter and number recognition. There are currently 2 students in this group. Well to get to the point, these groups of students have been working out great! I feel that they are all learning and participating at their own pace and level.
What Didn't Work: Scheduling this week
Next week is when we start pulling out for ABLLS, specials, and therapies. So since this week we didn't use our schedules, transitioning was a bit difficult. We had a few meltdowns when transitioning from playtime to work. I tried to use a temporary schedule but since there arn't unlimited hours in the day I didnt have time to make one for each student. Next week our schedules will start and I will post abut our daily routine.
Highlight of the Week: Apple Edible
Since we were doing activities relating to apples this week we did an edible activity, of course incorporating apples! Here is our finished product! Looks silly, but its supposed to be a mouth. There are 2 apple slices and peanut butter in the middle to hold the marshmallow teeth.

I try to do edible activities at least once or twice a month. They go with a topic we are working on in class or a holiday. I like these activities because not only are they fun but they also teach following direction skills. I will also incorporate social skills and have students in charge of an ingredient so the other students have to ask for it.
Well that's how our week went! How was yours?