Whew! Day one and two are over and done. I think both days were fairly successful, no major meltdowns and my student's are already getting the hang of their schedule and center rotations. This week is all about back to school, following the rules, and good and not so good behavior.

The past two days in our whole group reading we have been working on the book "David Goes to School" by David Shannon. I used this book last year and the kids really liked it. I like that it uses simple language and that the pictures are very engaging. On Monday we read the story and then did a whole group behavior sort and then the student's did a behavior sort on their own (with some prompting of course).
Here is the link to the sorting activity (created by Mrs. Ricca's Kindergarten). Today we read the story again(repetition is key!) and then made a David craft, the link is
For whole group social studies we have been working on my rules-laws unit. Monday we read the adapted story "We Have Rules! In School" and then we completed the matching vocabulary worksheets. Today we read the book again and instead of using the file folders in the unit, I printed out and made copies of the pictures and words and had my students cut and paste them onto a sheet of construction paper. We also played the Bingo game at the end of the day. I plan on repeating these activities on Thursday and Friday with the "We Have Rules! At Home." book.
Here is the link to the unit.
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